South Carolina Trails
South Carolina has countless opportunities to showcase its beauty. Visitors to local beaches number in the millions; people flock each autumn to watch the changing mountain foliage and every county — from the most urban to the most rural — has cultural and natural attractions.
The South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism (SCPRT) administers the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), a federal-aid assistance program designed to help states provide and maintain recreational trails for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail use. SCPRT administers RTP with assistance from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The goal of the program is to develop or improve trails for off-road motorcycles, ATVs, mountain bikers, equestrians, hikers, and paddlers. Eligible applicants include state, federal, or local government agencies, or qualified private organizations. All RTP applications are graded utilizing a competitive Open Project Selection Process (OPSP). RTP is a reimbursable grant program that requires a 20% match.
[Goals of the South Carolina State Trails Plan]
The trails you may find on this website are sponsored or managed by many different agencies and departments. Not all trails on this website were funded through the South Carolina Trails program. The trail descriptions and maps listed on this website are based on information received from trail “owners,” research of trail publications and websites, and input from trail users. In most cases the first sentence of each description gives a brief overview, such as difficulty, terrain, and trail surface, so you can decide if this is the trail for you. The maps were created using GPS data, but due to weather, or changes by the trail “owner,” the map may not be a true representation.
Since this website a shared public resource, we depend on “owner” input to make updates, changes, or announce trail closures. If you have a question regarding any particular trail, it is best to contact the source listed on the trail pages.